Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8


Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!!

As we sat, along with three other families, on the lawn in front of the bungalows waiting for the new year, I couldn't help but wonder what this year will hold?! I guess there could be so much excitement as well as some fear in that answer depending on if you are an optimist or a pessimist!! I guess it is safe to say that whatever it is, it will not be boring! Life never is! With all of the new in our lives right now, I can't help but to think what other firsts we will have. Some seem overwhelming, others I think we can take in stride. One thing is for sure...Whatever does take place this year will not come as a surprise to HIM! That is so comforting! HE has seen every second of everyday! HE knows the comings and the goings. HE knows the laughter that will shared and the tears that will be shed. HE knows the victories that will be had, and the trials that will be faced. HE knows! HE has gone before us as a family and each of us individually. This might be a new year, but HE is not new! HE is the same, never changing, always faithful, and always good. What more could bring comfort?!!

Happy New Year! May this be a year that rests in the ONE who has given it to us!

Billy in the entryway of our bungalow.

The boys riding the waves!!

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