Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8


19 Years and Counting!!

Happy Anniversary!!

Nineteen years is a long time in so many aspects. For Billy and I, this is how long we have now been married!! We have hit that mark in our marriage where we have been married more than half of my life, and now half if his!! That is so crazy to think about!! We have grown up together in so many ways! I have more memories with him than without him! To say that he is my best friend would be an understatement!! These years have been a journey that's for sure! The exciting part is, that the journey is not over! We have more to explore, more laughs to be shared, and even more tears. Through both laughter and tears though, I believe we grow closer. We learn more about each other. We learn more about ourselves. It is never dull or boring! I doubt the future will be either! I look forward to another year and more of the journey that we are walking together!

"I found the one my heart loves."

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