This type of day is one that you wish didn't have to exist. It is a day that you know is coming, and in some aspects have been planning since their birth. This is the day that you send your child off. Ugh!! Except now, it is different. This is reality! Not only are we sending her off, but we are sending her off to another continent. I mean this isn't a few states away, this is thousands of miles (10,500 give or take), and at least a two day trip! I get we are not the first to do this, but this was our first! You question everything you've done as a parent. The harsh reality, however, is that the time is here whether we like it or not.
It is time. The last minute has gone by. The tears are streaming. Ellie gives each of us a hug and a card that she has written. She gets to Major, and he will not let her go. I tell him that he has to let go and his response was, "I can't!" I give her a book that I had made for her and we say bye and hug one more time. We stay until she is completely out of sight! Major doesn't say another word for a couple more hours.
Turning to HIM in the midst of the tears and heart ache, there is peace. I was reminded that her Maker loves her more than I do! HE has her in the cleft of HIS wing. HE is with her always! She is ready. How do I know? HE is her guide. I am sure mistakes will be made, but in HIS loving kindness, HE will be there to pick her up. After all, HE loves her even more than her mother and father do!!
Ellie, keep your eyes focused on HIM. HE will never leave you. HE is your Helper, your Guide, your Strength, your Comfort. HE is all you need. You will never go wrong when you follow HIM, despite what others may say. Look to HIM. Yield to HIM. HE loves you so much! You are the apple of HIS eye!!