Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8


Day with Traci and Becky

Thursday, March 25th Traci, Becky and I headed to Atlanta to go to First Baptist of Atlanta. It was such a blessing to see God's provision for us, especially Becky. Becky and her family are headed back to their home in Africa from being on furlough. She has to shop for three kids for the next four years!!! FBA has a ministry for missionaries that provides clothing and such. Wow!!! It was so neat!! I was very touched not just by the provision, but also by the tenderness, attention, and prayer time that was given to us!! I think this was one of those times that I will not soon forget.

While talking though, we found out that Becky had not ever eaten at a Cheesecake Factory!!! Traci and I thought that Becky HAD to eat there before returning back to Africa!!!! So, we made a stop and shared nachos and had some cheesecake!!! It was delicious!!!!

It was also a great time for me personally to be with two women that have been on the mission field for several years now. They have wisdom and experience that I do not have. It was great to be with them and hear all that they had to say. Thank you Traci and Becky for your insight!!! :)

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