Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8


Opening Day for Baseball!!

Wrestling and basketball are over and baseball has now begun!!! Saturday was opening day for Tucker's and Major's baseball season!!! The boys are on different teams this year, but are both the "Red Sox". Tucker is the catcher for his team. Major pitches and plays either 1st or 3rd base. I have a few pictures from opening day!!! We will keep you guys posted on how the season goes!!!

Day with Traci and Becky

Thursday, March 25th Traci, Becky and I headed to Atlanta to go to First Baptist of Atlanta. It was such a blessing to see God's provision for us, especially Becky. Becky and her family are headed back to their home in Africa from being on furlough. She has to shop for three kids for the next four years!!! FBA has a ministry for missionaries that provides clothing and such. Wow!!! It was so neat!! I was very touched not just by the provision, but also by the tenderness, attention, and prayer time that was given to us!! I think this was one of those times that I will not soon forget.

While talking though, we found out that Becky had not ever eaten at a Cheesecake Factory!!! Traci and I thought that Becky HAD to eat there before returning back to Africa!!!! So, we made a stop and shared nachos and had some cheesecake!!! It was delicious!!!!

It was also a great time for me personally to be with two women that have been on the mission field for several years now. They have wisdom and experience that I do not have. It was great to be with them and hear all that they had to say. Thank you Traci and Becky for your insight!!! :)


Happy 10th Birthday Major!!!

Wednesday March 24th Major turned double digits!!! We had Chick-fil-A sandwiches, chips, fruit, cake, and banana pudding!!! We played pin the tail on the donkey (everyone played!), had a pinata, and played Farkle!!! Billy won pin the tail on the donkey and Becky won Farkle!!! It was a great party!

Major is such a blessing to our family. I can not imagine life without him. As with all of my children, he is a miracle. I say this because I was told I wouldn't be able to have children when I was sixteen. My pregnancy with him was stressful and we prayed constantly for his life. At 25 weeks gestation we were told he had hole in his heart. But God had His hand on him in my womb and closed that hole a week before he was born!!! Then when he was born, thankfully by c-section, the cord was wrapped around his neck and he was a little blue and needed oxygen. Again, God had His hand on him and he was perfectly fine! Throughout his life Major has brought us so many laughs and smiles!! I'm so thankful that God allowed me to be his mother and gave him to our family!!!

Happy Birthday Major!! We love you very much!! :)


Thailand/Philippines Trip October 2009

In October 2009 Bill and I took a trip to Thailand and the Philippines. First we went to Thailand. We were able to go into the slum area of Bangkok, visit a childcare center, and see where the children live. Bangkok is where the office is located so we were able to go there and meet the people in the office. We were also able to visit with our exchange daughter, Bell, and meet her parents while we were in Bangkok. We then traveled to Nan, Thailand. There we helped with an English Camp. After the camp was over each day we would go and visit childcare centers, feeding centers, and a hostel. We also were able to go to a Hmong village church where Bill presented a passage from Ephesians. Bill and I were amazed at the beauty in Thailand! The Thai people were so friendly and it made us feel right at home!
Our visit to the Philippines was fast moving!!! We had a lot to see! We went to many childcare and feeding centers, as well as Skilled Hands. The office is in Manila where we spent most of our time. We were also able to see and experience the parts of Manila that had been flooded by the Typhoon Ketsana (Ondoy) three weeks prior to us arriving. It was so heart breaking to see these living conditions and such poverty. Bill and I were also able to visit where we hope the boys will be going to school if we live in Manila. We also went to Bacolod where we visited other childcare centers and an orphanage. It was great to see so much of what these precious people do to help the people of there country.
No doubt that this trip made us want to be in South East Asia even more!!!


Hello Everyone

We are so excited to have a blog up and running now!!! We hope that we can keep this updated and let you guys know what is happening in our lives. We would love to hear feedback from you and any prayer requests that we can pray for.